what is a Server? How does it works
what is a Server and how does it works?

A Server is a computer program which manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network, In a Simple terms the server means a computer or device or a program which can provide a service to another computer program, The Server is like a CPU, which consists of High storage hard disks and Best processors. Let’s see how servers will work for example nowadays we are using many internet things like Facebook, WhatsApp, Youtube, Emails, etc. If we upload a picture to our Facebook or if we upload a video to Youtube or if we send a text in WhatsApp these all information will store in their separate company servers and provides us good service. Everything that we are accessing with internet will store safely in Servers.
There are many servers, Below we can see the types of servers:
Proxy Server
A proxy server is a dedicated software system running on a computer which acts an intermediary between the user’s computer and the internet to prevent from attack and unexpected access. This Proxy server used to hide the IP address of a client computer and also this proxy server will store cached data and it will give quick access to work on that saved cache data this will help to reduce bandwidth usage. This server will protect our information from viruses and hacking networks.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) Server
A FTP server is used to transfer files between two computers in a same local internet network. To Access this FTP server we need an IP address or domain URL. we can able to share a drive or folder using this FTP server.
Email Server
An Email server is used to send and receive emails and as well as to store that emails. There are mainly two types of email servers. one is POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) which is used to receive emails from the server and another one is SMTP (Simple mail transfer protocol) which is used to send emails through the server.
Nym Server
A Nym server is used to allow a subscribing user to send and receive emails without revealing their identity, for an example if we signed into a messenger to send messages to others. that application does not allow that opposite user to see our private identity information which we give at the sing up time. This Nym server will use to protect our identity information.
SIP Proxy
A SIP proxy which actually does the switching it would receive messages from the users, agents, clients such as an invite messages and it would use routing tables to forward messages to the destination.
Server appliance
A server appliance is used to designed for ease of installation and maintenance. This server appliance access through a web browser.
Proxy Trojan
A proxy trojan is a virus which hijacks and turns the host computer into a proxy server, part of a botnet, from which an attacker can stage anonymous activities and attacks.
Web Server
A web server process HTTP requests by responding with HTML pages. This web server serves static content such as HTML, Images etc. And another thing is there is no server side programming. This server as has no database or dynamic generation of HTML.